Subculture Girl
Assets Trả Phí
A stylized young female asset including modulated body parts, clothes, props and hairstyles. Pretty low polygon count is quite suitable for mobile games. A huge customization.
Clothing design is based on a subculture of different styles. Technically designed for third-person games.40 Blueprint examples with Skeletal Mesh Components combination (In fact, you can make even more combinations. Just use a little imagination and patience).
Over 400 materials with a lot of setting. Over 300 textures, 190 RGB texture masks and patterns. Hair with dynamic chains also the skirt with NVIDIA's NvCloth setting.
- Facial variations - 3, - Modular parts of clothing - 26, - Modular accessory parts - 8 - Hairstyles – 8 - Includes Naked body
Completely compatible with Casual Girl:
To create more morph targets for each unique head takes a lot of time. The project will be more expensive but I would not want it.
Tips and tricks:
* Check out the Blueprints examples how to use separated body parts.
* Look at the seamless texture patterns inside Clothes Subfolder. You can do the same and it's easy.
* The Breast physics can be added easily as well. If you have experience with setting up physical assets. The character has the necessary bones and skin weight for this.