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Suburbs - City Pack

Suburbs - City Pack


This pack has everything you need to create a large suburban area of a city fast and easy! The tools/blueprints have intuitive UI, detailed documentation, and full artistic control in every aspect.


 610 Meshes

• Most materials have: base color, normal and an ORM/ ORMH packed texture (R-Occlusion, B-Roughness, G-Metallic, A-Height).

• 18 master materials (very easy to customize), 442 material instances4 Material Parameter Collection, and 2 Material Functions.

• Presentation scene and the demonstration scene are included.

• 6 Particles System (Smoke/Flies)

• 410 Textures sizes from 256x256 to 4096x4096 (most of them 4k with LOD bias enabled).

• 15 blueprints (Building Modular Piece, Decals, Door, Fence, Wire, RoofFloor, Background Procedural Building, Banners, Road Intersection, Traffic Lights, Sidewalk, Controller Modular Building, Random Wind, Border, ShowcaseBlueprint) and 2 Editor Utility Widgets (Building Construction Tool – procedural, Extract Meshes - for blueprints)

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