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Texture Resizer Tool 4.26-4.27

Texture Resizer Tool 4.26-4.27


A Blueprint Utility meant to resize Textures directly in the Editor to any resolution power of two (from 2 to 4096, with support for different Aspect Ratios)



  • "Resolution" option allows you to choose a resolution from 2 to 4096;
  • "Lock Aspect Ratio" will keep your textures always 1:1, if you uncheck it you will be able to input different aspect ratios;
  • "Auto-reload Asset" option will reload all materials or assets in which the resized texture is being used to reload its "preview". With this option disabled you might need to restart your project to get the same effect (Although it might speed up the resizing process).
  • "Per Texture Resolution" option allows you to go through one by one of the selected textures and choose the desired resolution. This option will also automatically round textures not power of two to the nearest power of two (Example: 1525x2456 will become 1024x2048).
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