The Curviest Curve 4.27
- New Curve Asset Type : Curviest (allows as many curves as you want)
- New Blueprint Node: Get Curve Values (generic method to get values out of any curve type, broken into float output pins)
- All the colors
- Live updating -- you can edit your curves and see the results in real time while running your game.
- [NEW] Change the curve colors to be whatever you want
- Curves can have names to make them easier to work with
- [NEW] Organize your curves and group them into folders, all in one curve asset
- [NEW] Supports the new Curve Editor in UE 4.24
- Adds support for new Retime and Transform tools to manipulate your curves
- [NEW] Adds the ability to lock curves, a feature missing from UE 4.24!
- [NEW] Give curves a Gameplay Tag to identify them, to make your script more robust!
- [NEW] Set a Parent Curve Asset to inherit values from!
- [NEW] Constant parameters, for values you want to include in the curve asset but don't need a whole curve for.