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The Dropper Plugin: Physics-Based Asset Scattering

The Dropper Plugin: Physics-Based Asset Scattering


Assets Trả Phí


A new editor mode for scattering assets with physics!

The Dropper Plugin is a new editor mode for scattering assets using Unreal’s built-

in rigid body physics simulation. This allows for an unprecedented level of realism

because objects will come to rest in natural locations. After opening the new

mode, the simulation will begin automatically. Simply drag and drop the assets

you want to scatter into the palette on the left. You can then paint down assets

dynamically and watch as they fall. The Dropper Plugin offers a complete suite of

controls that enable you to create exactly the look you desire quickly and

intuitively. When you’re finished dropping assets, just exit the Dropper Editor Mode

and your assets’ positions will be preserved.

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