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Ultimate Multiplayer FPS Framework With Runtime Multiplayer Level Edito

Ultimate Multiplayer FPS Framework With Runtime Multiplayer Level Edito


Version: 4.27/5.00

Fully Blueprint Exposed FPS Framework. Comes with everything needed to give you a big strong foundation to build upon with many realistic mechanics that are found in games such as Escape From Tarkov and Ground Branch


  • Written Entirely in C++ and Event-Driven to remain fast and Efficient compared to blueprint counterparts
  • Fastest render target based scopes on the marketplace
  • Procedural Firearm Handling/Lag/Movement Sway/Recoil
  • Procedural Aiming
  • Procedural Look up/down and Lean
  • Procedural Length Of Pull for Stock Adjustments
  • Example Gun Builder powered by the Part Attachment System
  • Safe/Semi/Full Auto/Burst fire modes
  • Left Hand IK that works with forwarding grips
  • Firearm Part Influenced Stats (Weight/Ergonomics/Recoil)
  • Custom Physical Materials (assist in spawning impact effects from my static library)
  • Firearm Customization (every single part can be customized)
  • Magnified Scopes
  • Simulated Scope Eye box
  • Lights/Lasers
  • Forward Grips
  • Magnifiers
  • Offset Mounts
  • Flip Mounts
  • Red Dots/Holograph Sights
  • Changing Reticles
  • Changing Reticle Brightness
  • Night Vision
  • Thermal Vision
  • Muzzle Devices (such as suppressors and compensators)
  • Firearm Collision Handling
  • Much Much More that cannot fit in this list!
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