Ultra Stylized Grass
Ultra Stylized Grass is a material-based asset designed to give you an extremely optimized drag and drop stylized grass solution with an abundant of variety.
- An advanced opaque material that uses geometry based meshes that gives great performance.
- A simple opaque material for more simple, lower budget projects.
- An advanced material that uses textures & Grass-cards, great for using any texture of your choice provided in the package, or your own!
- A simple opacity material that allows for textures, also for lower budget projects.
- Custom wind function that allows for directional wind.
- Adjusted grass normals to blend perfectly with any angle. (shout out PrismaticaDev)
- Fake shadows based on a gradient that improves performance greatly.
- Color variation options, including changeable tip colors, and mask variation.
- A Landscape Material that includes a dirt layer, as well as a grass layer that auto-generates grass of your choice.
- 12 Unique grass meshes to choose from (8 geometry based, 4 grass-cards)