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UMG Radar

UMG Radar


Texture based radar very customizable, can track any actor (Persistent tracking as well), tooltip on mouse hover and can add markers when clicking on the radar.

This Widget gives you the ability to add targets to track at any moment in the game, and it automatically removes targets that are destroyed. You get to choose what texture/size/color and even off screen customization when adding new targets.


Clicking on the radar will return the world location and mouse button used, you can use this event to add a marker in the radar (the marker can be persistent if you want), you also get to choose what texture and color to display for the marker.

This Radar can work in any project and can be implemented in a multiplayer environment as well.


When adding the radar to your Widget Blueprint you can select what background image you want to use (with zoom control), what texture for your own location and add a custom border if you wish to have one. everything can be customized in terms of texture/color/size. The radar can rotate or be fixed, the same thing applies to the border. 

You can also choose to enable the view angle animation for that scanning effect, the view angle can also be customized.


This product comes with an example map that includes enemy and friendly AI separately tracked in a persistent way in the radar + vehicle example with 3D radar widget.

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