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Urban Construction Pack

Urban Construction Pack


Modular, Vast, Flexible Urban Environment Construction for Mobile and VR

The Urban Construction Pack has what you need to get a detailed environment up and running quickly. By solely relying on a set of included Blueprints, you can quickly place and construct buildings, light configurations, road and sidewalk compositions, signs, and more.


Included are 5 architectural styles with 3-5 premade buildings; Each style has a large set of modular pieces to create your own building footprint. There are complete road and highway sets: one lane, two lanes, intersections, long and short turns, elevated highways, etc. You also get a working traffic light, modular walls, sidewalks, poles, signs, stairways, lights, and more!


While it still looks great on desktops, the Urban Construction Pack has been built from the ground up for VR and mobile devices. Triangle and material counts are low, many of the assets are atlased to as few textures as possible. LODs are made for higher quality models. Texture resolutions vary from 512 to 4096 for the atlas.

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