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USA style Houses with Interior

USA style Houses with Interior


Pack of 3 USA country houses with customizable interiors

This package includes 3 Different Houses with Interiors. The tile-able exterior and interior materials are customizable with vertex paint, so you can add extra wear/damage where needed. There are a lot of props to dress your scene, both interior and exterior.


  •  3 Houses, with customizable vertex paint materials ( you can add more damage to parts of the mesh) 2 Different doors, garage doors, Windows, Drain pipes etc.
  • Interior props - Tables, Chairs, Shelves, Stairs, Lamps, Clock, Kitchen Furniture, Toilet, Bathtub, etc
  • Exterior props - Electric boxes, TV Antennas, Ladder, Lawnmower, Fences, Mailbox. etc

Texture Sizes:

  •  158 Textures sized 2048*2048
  •  21 Textures sized 4096*4096
  •  6 Textures sized 1024*1024
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