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Vaporwave Synthwave Music Pack

Vaporwave Synthwave Music Pack


Delve into a futuristic neon-filled dystopian world with these 5 Vaporwave Synthwave music tracks. The catchy beats and memorable melodies will make you wobble your head to the beat and hit you in the feels.

Album Contains:



1. CPSW_DigitalEcstasy_FULL_Loop (2:00)

2. CPSW_NightDrive_FULL_Loop (2:19)

3. CPSW_OnBinaryShores_FULL_Loop (2:25)

4. CPSW_Persistence_FULL_Loop (2:05)

5. CPSW_UndergroundResistance_FULL_Loop (2:08)


[Stingers and SFXs ]

1. Long Negative Stinger (0:06)

2. Long Positive Stinger (0:06)

3. Negative Jingle (0:14)

4. Positive Jingle (0:13)

5. Short Positive Stinger (0:02)

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