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VR Integrator Radial and Dockable Menus

VR Integrator Radial and Dockable Menus


Easily integrate to get VR Radial Menus that expand to any number of categories. Plus Spawn Dockable Menus in the world that can be dragged and set quickly. Finally add our Smoothed Laser pointers to your hands for comfortable and non jerky movements.

The VR Radial Menu is a Blueprint component that can be added to existing setups or use our provided base template to get off the ground running in VR space. Radial Menus use UMG widgets to populate, so its easy to add any number of slots and styles. Everything is dynamic so you can create sub menus or layered menus and have the component update automatically, just input the list of widgets to display.


The windows are actors that are spawned in the world and are attached to the player. Included is a custom user widget for easy customization of any existing UMG widget. The windows can be dragged or pulled smoothly in the world.


Additionally, you get our Smoothed Laser pointer. We've created an adjustable low pass filtering system to control the smoothness of the laser whip. It also comes as Blueprint component for ease of use.


Plus, we have included some examples of movement driven hand animations and haptic feedback controls on everything!


  • SmoothLaser Component
  • RadialMenu Component
  • DockableWindow Actor
  • Procedurally Enhanced Hands
  • Configured Haptic Feedback Controls


    Thư viện đồ họa là trang web cung cấp dịch vụ thuê thư viện tính phí, nhận đặt mua model 3D, Assets Unreal giá rẻ. Mọi thắc mắc vui lòng nhắn tin bên góc dưới màn hình. Rất vui khi được phục vụ các bạn.

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