Weapon Component 4.25
A blueprint based Weapon System. Multiplayer support. Contains weapon logic (firing/spawning/switching/weapon animations...) and weapon presets, character animations, aims, drop and pick up, etc. **Current version: Update3.1**
Short feature list:
- Full ready weapon actor (presets included)
- Weapon creation via DataTables
- Pickups
- Weapon Inventory
- Aims, anim montages for pistols, rifles and shotguns
- Each weapon has custom settings for HANDS POSITION
- Each weapon has custom crosshair
- Each weapon can have custom sniper scope, multiple zoom values, rangefinder
- 7 SniperScopes (2 real - SVD and Y-type)
- Weapon recoil
- Weapon HUD (weapon data, health...)
- Fire modes
- Damage/death events and random animations
- Floating text
- Muzzle Effects
- Hit/Blood Effects
- Stealth mode for character and weapons
- Projectiles and beems support
- 7 Different projectiles
- Does NOT contains "cast to" character nodes for easiest migration