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Weapon Master VR

Weapon Master VR


Weapon Master VR is a comprehensive weapon, pickup, and locomotion Blueprint template for the HTC Vive and Oculus Rift.

At its core Weapon Master VR is designed to be a complex yet easy to use blueprint weapon system that will help you jump start your VR game development. A product of over 300 hours of development, Weapon Master gives you access to an ever growing feature set that is both powerful and easily extendable. Sold as a "Complete Project" Weapon Master VR makes creating objects to pick up and interact with is as easy as providing a mesh and extending the appropriate class. If you are looking for more "turn key" solution, Weapon Master, as of Version 1.0, has three ready to use weapon types including Advanced Firearms, Basic Firearms and the Bow and Arrow. Along with an intuitive inventory system, and roomscale ready locomotion, we hope the full gamut of features in Weapon Master helps you achieve the game you wish to create.

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