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Western Characters Pack-Wild West,Adventure,Survival,Survivor,RPG,Shooter,Action

Western Characters Pack-Wild West,Adventure,Survival,Survivor,RPG,Shooter,Action


Assets Trả Phí


3D Characters Western pack. Perfect for RPG,Survival,Survivor,Adventure,Battle Royale,shooter,FPS,Wild West,Cowboy,Rogue.Rigged to Epic.Modular,has full bodies(female),clothing variations.Color change via Instances,ID Maps.Ready for Live Link Face,vrchat.

+Control modularity through a customized master component - we have prepared convenient switches on the right side of the panel. You can also add other heads, hairstyles and clothes from our other future assets - all parts fit together perfectly. Hairstyles, heads, parts of clothes from this set are also compatible between different characters of the same gender. Create your own unique world with lots of combinations! Before the scenes are examples of different combinations of characters and clothing. How to change head

+The female characters have a full body and underwear. Please remember that using a full body with clothing is not recommended to avoid mesh crossing.

+You can adjust the size of a woman's breasts with blendshapes.

+The project includes a weapon (revolver).

+Each character has several unique skins.

+The basic cowboy has several types of facial wounds for action scenes. All of the above features are presented on the map for your convenience.

+The map includes a high quality render scene.

+Fully customized physics of the characters. Simulation of hair, clothes, body are included.

+You can also change the color of skin, eyes and hair.

+Shaders contain fine tuning based on blueprints. Roughness, SSS, micronormal masks, etc. - all inclusive and ready to go!

+The package includes starting male animations, but we recommend using the ALC 4 animations - you will immediately see the difference :)

+52 calibrated facial blendshapes for cinematic cutscenes, compatible with Live Link Face, Faceware and more.

+Instances and ID Masks of materials are configured, so you can easily control a lot of material parameters.

+Fully compatibility with Epic Skeleton - including solved Mannequin problems, such as incorrect rotation of fingers, etc

+UE4 project with playable character blueprints and clothes, body physics simulation - plug and play!

+Characters that stand in front of the horse paddock can be select through the spawn menu and run around the map for testing animations and third person view.

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