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World Director NPC - PRO

World Director NPC - PRO


The World Director NPC - PRO plugin is ideal for creating games where there are many pawns in the world at the same time. You can simulate a whole world of thousands of pawns. You can create an entire populated city. Now with multiplayer.

This is a comprehensive system for optimizing a large number of NPCs in locations. World Director NPC PRO is perfect for creating open-world games of any size. You will no longer have to think about spawning characters and removing pawns if your character has come or gone from the place where the pawns should be. If you spawn pawns near the character and leave this place, the pawns continue to move and they do not affect the FPS. On my system with an AMD 2700X processor, I achieved 200000+ pawns at 120+FPS. When the character returns to the same location, the pawns return to the world with the same characteristics (health, level.).

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