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Zombiebear's Platformer Blueprints Kit

Zombiebear's Platformer Blueprints Kit


A series of Blueprints designed to kickstart your next platforming title

If you are building a platforming game, you know there are some common features among many titles - coins, lives or health, jump pads, moving platforms, the list goes on. This kit has been designed to help with the iterative process by providing some of these common features for you, allowing you to spend more time developing the features that make your game unique. 


Many of the Blueprints contain display assets to be used as placeholders, for whiteboxing, or as final products if they fit your game's aesthetic. They have been developed to be used or replaced as needed. 


Take this project and build off of it, rip out the content you need, or use it all as placeholder. The Platforming Blueprints kit has been designed with one goal in mind - make platforming development easier for you. 

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